Myself and my english cocker spaniel Fred.

A little about me!

My name is Avril, and I am from Belfast. I moved to England in 2015, and I am currently living in London. My first pet was a golden labrador named Taz. I Know what you’re thinking and yes i did name him after Taz mania from looney tunes! Throughout my life I have grown up alongside pets, I have always loved them from a young age. Big or small, from having my own pets to volunteering with horses.

Education and Work

I decided after school to enrol in college studying animal management. Throughout my studies i got into petsitting whilst the guardians were holiday. For around 5 years I looked after a trio of miniature and teacup yorkshire terriers. They instantly stole my heart!

Finishing college I came to England and studied BSc(Hons) Animal behaviour and wildlife conservation at the university of Wolverhampton. After my degree I was in a bit of limbo and unsure on what I wanted to do next. In 2019 I took the plunge and moved to the big smoke London to better my opportunities.

My first year in london, I ended up working in a doggy daycare. Resulting in working my way to managing the daycare. Working in the daycare brought out my passion for dogs. Throughout my time working with these dogs I realised dog training was my calling. Furthering my study I started researching, and found the IMDT. Doing the courses showed me I was going in the right direction. To this day I continue studying with them and other organisations to better my knowledge.

Whilst studying and working in the daycare I started my own business in 2021. Hoping to give guardians and their pets the right guidance to continue having great relationships.


University of Wolverhampton

  • Bsc(Hons) Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Conservation

IMDT (Institute of Modern Dog Trainers)

  • 2 day career as a dog trainer course
  • 4 day practical instructor course
  • The consultation and follow up report (webinar)
  • Canine adolescence (webinar)

DTC (Dog Training College)

  • Puppy Specialist course – Present
  • Dog-dog interactions
  • Introduction to canine body language